
Accepting limitations and welcoming the Christmas season

December 10, 2013

As much as I’d like to run on my midfoot, I have realized that it’s just not possible without injury. In 1999, I had surgery on my foot to remove a bone spur in between my big toe and second toe. It tore up all kinds of stuff and created damage in my big toe joint leaving me with half a joint in that toe.

So when I run on my midfoot for long periods of time, my posterior tibial tendon gets angry. Not fun. So this morning, I tried out heel strike running. Guess what…no tendon pain!! It feels weird but if it causes no pain, I’m in.


Now on to the real magic! It’s the Christmas season!!! Zekie, our elf on the shelf, is back and the tree is up. I love this time of year (seems like we just were in December).




I love when our house transforms! This time of year is so special with Natalie. She’s such fun and loves to help decorate. We watch old cartoons and countdown to the big day.

This weekend we are running a fun 5k, the Ho Ho Hustle. We are so excited and we get to wear our fun socks!


We love our Sox Box socks! Are you running any Christmas runs?

So until next time…keep on truckin’!