running Summer

Drop back and punt

August 20, 2019

Y’all, I had a whole different topic I was going to write about today but after my run this morning, I decided to drop back and punt.  If you don’t know this about me, I love college football.  This weekend starts college football season.  Unfortunately, my Auburn Tigers don’t play this week but College Gameday is on and at Walt Disney World so it’ll still be exciting!  I digress…

Throughout the summer months, you will hear on the news and on social media about heat advisories and the dangers that come with them.  In the running community, you will hear your fellow runners say, listen to your body.  Well, I’ve been hot when running many times.  I use Nuun tabs (they have electrolytes in them) when I run since I don’t like Gatorade or Powerade.  But there was something about this morning that was different.

I don’t know if it was because I was trying to push myself harder.  Or if it was because I left my inhaler at home (which I made a loop and went back and got).  Dumb, I know.  Or if it’s because rag weed pollen is really high right now (I have lovely allergies).  Whatever it was, after I got to 1.65 miles, I started to get a headache and felt a litte bit like I was going to toss some cookies. So I listened to my body and slowed it down.  While it was probably the right thing to do, it kinda ticks me off.  I was moving at a pretty good pace this morning. But I really didn’t want to be that neighbor that tossed them in the bushes either.

I dont’ think it was truly heat exhaustion but it does make you think about it.  Do you know the signs?

heat exhaustion

While I didn’t continue to push myself as hard this morning, I did finish my scheduled 30 minutes by quickly walking the last 12 minutes only losing about .15 miles of my regular distance.  So, all in all, I was pretty happy in the end.  Came home and got some nice, ice cold water and got some laundry started.

So here’s what I’m going to do until the weather changes, I’m getting my rear up early and getting my run done before I have to get Twinkletoes going for school.

Other than running early or late, what are some warm weather tactics that you have to get you through the summer months?

Until next time, keep on truckin’!