
Halloween is over…on to November!

November 1, 2013

Well, I hope you all had a great Halloween! We did. Twinkle Toes was in full character as Rapunzel. However, auto correct turned Rapunzel into rap uncle! I thought it was hilarious! Back to Rapunzel…


She had a great time and got way too much candy! 🙂


We were hanging out with some great friends!


So on to the November goal. I had a record October. To put it in prospective, in September I logged a lovely 19.4 miles. October, I logged 49.5 miles. Something just clicked and the miles added up. Now the November goal…50 miles. I am trying not to push too had to avoid injury but I feel that I can overachieve. 🙂

Twinkle Toes has a busy weekend. Her dance company will be performing at our local arts festival. She loves getting to dance with the bigger girls! Pics to come!

And my favorite time of the year is getting closer!! I can’t wait to decorate for Christmas!! So if you are counting down…


Happy November! Until next time…keep truckin’!