
Tis the Season

December 23, 2013

It’s been a while since the last post. It’s been a great month! Twinkle Toes and I ran our first Ho Ho Hustle 5k run by Running Wild, our local running store. It was a great route with a few small hills and a portion that went by Bayou Texar. Beautiful. We improved our time by 3 minutes! Santa was there at before the start.


We had our Sox Box “Miss Claus” socks on and our Sparkle Athletic skirts. Very festive!


The T-shirts from the run were great! Long sleeved and awesome logo. This is one we will do again.

Twinkle Toes and I went with Grammy and Grampy to Bellingrath Gardens to see the lights. It was amazing!




To wrap up our pre-Christmas festivities, we made a trip to see Grandpa. We had a great dinner prepared by Cindie and got to spend time with family.

Then on Sunday, we went to see the Nutcracker. It was exceptional! This is one of our traditions. We go to lunch with Grammy and then off to the show.


One of Twinkle Toes dance teachers was the Mouse King. He was amazing!



It was a great weekend! What traditions do you and your family have?

Until next time, keep on truckin!